Castle Class Corvette (Frigate) Association

about us

our ships


a) Full Membership is open to anyone who served aboard, at any time, any ship which was designed originally as a Castle Class Corvette, by payment of the agreed subscription.
b) Associate Membership is open to Wives and or Partners of Full Members on payment of the agreed subscription but is limited to 40% of the Full Membership.
c) Honorary Life Membership is open to anyone who by virtue of their contribution to or connection with the Association and by agreement of the Annual General Meeting.


a) Application for Membership shall be made in writing to the Secretary.
b) The obligations of Members of the Association shall indude the following:
  • All Members shall conform to the requirements of the rules of the Association as amended from time to time
  • Membership fees are to be paid Annually on 1st January each year
  • The amount to be agreed by the previous Annual General Meeting
  • Members more than 1 year in arrears shall be considered as being lapsed
  • Members may pay for Life Membership on payment of a fee to be decided by the Annual General Meeting
  • All Members shall have the right to one vote
  • All Members shall have such rights of attending Meetings of the Association and such other rights and privileges as may be specified from time to time in these rules
  • Any Member may be expelled or suspended for a specified period of time from Membership of the Association as determined by a Resolution passed by a majority of two thirds of those voting at a meeting called for that purpose

The Annual General Meeting will elect the Officers of the Association who will hold office for one year unless re-elected.

The Officers will be:
  • Chairperson
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Archivist
  • Editor of the Log
The Officers will be responsible for the administration of the affairs of the Association between Annual General Meetings

DUTIES OF THE CHAIRPERSON - The Chairperson shall chair all Meetings of the Association where applicable. Sign the Minutes and carry out such tasks as determined from time to time by the Officers. In the absence of the Chairperson a Chairperson will be elected to conduct the Annual General Meeting.

DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY - The Secretary shall be responsible for the administration of the Association, prepare Agenda and organise venue for all Meetings and record Minutes of said meetings.

DUTIES OF THE TREASURER - The Treasurer shall keep a record of all accounts held by and for the Association. He/She shall receive all monies paid to the Association and pay out such monies as properly authorised by the officers and prepare annual accounts for the annual General Meeting. Withdrawal of monies shall require two signatures from three authorised Signatures.

DUTIES OF THE ARCHIVIST - The Archivist shall research, collect, store and publish information and material relevant to Castle Class Ships as directed by the Annual General Meeting.

DUTIES OF THE EDITOR - The editor shall compile and edit entries to the 'Ships Log' and to the Membership List.

An Officer shall cease to be so in the event that;
(i) He/She becomes incapable by reason of illness or injury of managing their own affairs.
(ii) He/She notifies the Annual General Meeting of the wish to resign.
(iii) He/She is not re-elected at the Annual General Meeting.


The Annual General Meeting is the supreme body of the Association. All Proposed Changes to the Constitution shall be agreed by a majority vote at an Annual General Meeting. Notice of the date, time, venue and agenda shall be issued to all members of the Association prior to the Meeting. The venue for an Annual Genera) Meeting will be decided at a previous Annual General Meeting, taking into account the location of the Annual reunion and the wishes of the Membership. Should the need arise, or where a significant number of Full Members make a request, for a Special General Meeting, the Officers are empowered to call such a Meeting, where possible, after consultation with the Membership. In an emergency situation, which is time critical, Officers are empowered to act according to their own initiative.


The association is a non profit making organisation. Any monies which accrue as a result of Association activities belong to the Association and may only be used to promote the Aims of the Association, by agreement of the Members. The Treasurer will present Annual accounts to the Annual General Meeting which will show detail of all items of Income and Expenditure in the previous year and current balance of Assets owned by the Members of the Association.


In the event that the Association Membership has reduced to a non viable Number. A Special Meeting shall be called of all Members able and wishing to attend and the following be discussed and decided,
"The residual funds and other assets, if any, shall firstly be used for the publication of our Book, any then remaining shall be handed to an appropriate charity, this to be decided by those Members present."


Subject to the following provisions of this rule, the Constitution may be altered by a resolution passed by not less than two thirds of the Members present and voting at a general Meeting. Notice of the resolution must be included in the notice of the Meeting, setting out the alterations proposed.